Writing beyond the glaze

 Featured blog post:

“Invention is essentially different from reverie; if some fail to recognise the difference that is because they have not themselves experienced both.”

C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy


Hi! My name is Shirley and I’m a third year dental student at The University of Sydney. I love writing, art, reading and have a propensity for picking up new hobbies every other month. When I’m not thinking about teeth, I love dabbling in handcraft projects - of course with a warm cup of tea nearby. This is a space where I would love to share my thoughts and life in dentistry with you, and to look back on as a personal diary for the journey. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I will every step of the way, and perhaps you’ll find some helpful tips too. Feel free to reach out about anything; I’d love to hear from you. Stay safe and healthy. Love, Shirls xx


Quote of the month:

“Do not call us heroes. Not if you are calling us that in order to absolve yourself of guilt over sending us off to an unwinnable war. Some of us are heroes. But some of us never had the chance. And some of us got slammed face-first into the fact that when we looked inside, we found nothing heroic at all.”

— Barbara Nickless, Blood on the Tracks


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